Dr. Eve Georges Sada
Eve Georges Sada is an Assyrian scholar born and raised in Iraq. Dr. Sada completed both her Master’s degree in Music Education (2010) and a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) in Choral Conducting (2021) at the University of Oklahoma. Her research, “Assyrian- Syriac chants from the liturgy of the Church of the East,” examined the earliest surviving chants and hymns composed by the Church of the East theologians and poets between the fourth and seventh centuries, such as Mar Aprem (Ephrem) and Mar Narsai. Eve provided examples of the chants in Syriac with English translations for the main celebrated Feasts of the Church. Dr. Sada also discussed the main five genres of the Church of the East hymnody of Soghyāthā, Madrāshe, Tešbḥatha, `Onyatha, and Memre and investigated the earliest known church women’s choirs.